Regatta's Magnificent Obsession
Hudson is already a 5 time Best in Sweeps winner at 14 months of age...including Back-to-Back Best in Sweeps wins at the GRCA Central Regional Specialty!!! Hudson's wins also include a Major Reserve and 2 pts. from the 6-9 puppy class and 1st place in the 6-9 mo. class at the 2007 GRCA National Specialty in Seattle. Hudson - owned by Sally Cavness, is the first puppy out of Grady to hit the show ring. He was bred by and is co-owned by Donna Gulledge at Regatta Goldens.
Hudson goes Winners Dog at the Austin Specialty for his first Major!!
Watch for more "Magnificent" things from Hudson.....Regatta's Magnificent Obsession !!!
Pedigree of "Regatta's Magnificent Obsession" |
Parents | GrandParents | GreatGrandParents |
CH Camlin's Saltwater Rig
DAM Regatta's Racing Genoa |
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